by antonb | Oct 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
On 06.10.2016 г. Energy Effect JSC together with “Siemens Bulgaria” LTD successfully designed and executed project for the deployment of intelligent system for energy efficiency in School 119. The opening ceremony was attended Dian Stamatov, Deputy Minister of Education Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia, Dr. Eng. Boryana Manolova – CEO, Siemens Bulgaria, Eng. Blagovest Angelov, CEO of “Energy Effect”...
by antonb | Oct 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
On 16.02.2016 2016 Energy effect JSC ended signed contract with Municipality of Stara Zagora after conducting a public procurement contract „Performance of construction and installation work – energy saving measures/refurbishment/ rehabilitaton of municipal and objects” and put into operation – School ”George Rajchev” – energy saving measures/ refurbishment/ rehabilitation UPI XXVII – ESPU “George Rajchev”, “Tri Chuchura”, Stara...
by antonb | Oct 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
On 08.03.2016 Energy effect JSC successfully completed the signed framework agreement with Municipality of Plovdiv with subject. ”Selection of contractors for manufacturing audits to establish the technical characteristics related to the requirements of Art. 169 par. 1, pt. (1 – 5) and par. 2 of TDA and technical passport, preparation of energy efficient testing and the needed ESM prescriptions in accordance with the statutory requirements for energy efficiency under the Energy Efficiency Act and the regulations for its...
by admin | Oct 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
05.10.2015, ENERGY EFFECT signed a framework agreement with the Municipality of Plovdiv with subject “Selection of contractors for the preparation of audits to establish the technical characteristics related to the requirements of Art. 169, par. 1 pt. (1-5) and para. 2 from SPA and technical passport, preparation of energy efficiency testing and prescription of appropriate ECM in accordance with legal requirements for energy efficiency under the Energy Efficiency Act and the regulations for its...
by admin | Oct 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
12.10.2015, an agreement was signed with the TA State Forestry – Tvarditsa with object of the contract: “Carrying out urgent repairs – reconstruction of hunting lodge “Bichki Diuziu”. The value of the contract is 29 760,11 lv with duration of 45...
by admin | Oct 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
06.10.2015, an agreement was signed for Lot № 1 “Engineering” – design, construction and supervision to improve production – technical facilities of “Urban Transport” JSC – Varna under Component 9 “Improvements to manufacturing facility” of project of the Municipality of Varna BG161PO001-1.5.03-0002. “Integrated urban transport in Varna” of a plan to provide grants: BG161PO001 / 1.5-03 / 2011 “Support for integrated urban transport in the five major cities”, Priority Axis 1: “Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development”, Operation 1.5: “Pattern of Sustainable Urban Transport” under Operational Program “Regional Development” 2007-2013” with “Urban Transport”, Varna announced after their public procurement” Engineering – design, construction, supply and installation of machinery, equipment and supervision to improve production and technical base of “Urban Transport” JSC – Varna Component 9 – “Improvements to manufacturing facilities” of the project of the Municipality of Varna BG161PO001-1.5.03-0002 “Integrated urban transport in Varna” – a scheme to provide grants: BG161PO001 / 1.5-03 / 2011 “Support for integrated urban transport in the five major cities”, Priority 1 “Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development” Operation 1.5: “Sustainable Urban Transport”, part of Operational Program “Regional Development” 2007-2013 “. The value of the contract is 5 535 178 lv and the duration is 120 calendar...